Tuesday, October 23, 2007

First Moment In

This is a consequence of a sudden urge. Maybe writing out would help clear the clutter (very cliched thing to say!).

There's a line I just made up while thinking of what to name my blog and what URL to give it: 'The sun blinks to give me a glimpse of the stars that await in the darkness' .

I think I even figured out a meaning to it: Moments of despair are short, and they are actually a way of showing you that more good lies ahead.

That sounds highly optimistic, which is not even my mood right now! Man am I confused!

1 comment:

bogus_pipeline said...

omg. i LOVE tht line.
lk LOVVE!!!!
but sumhow th meanin sees difrent to me..cant explain it yet.but yeah.diffrent.